Tarballs | Patches | Binaries | Bugs |
Here you can grab the tarballs of complete distributions containing major releases. Not all interim releases are archived, only the initial release of a revision (patchlevel 0) and the latest release on this revision (highest patchlevel) are kept. For all other releases first grab a tarball and then apply one or more of the patch files.
wml-2.0.11.tar.gzBytes Timestamp Filename ________ ____________________ ____________________________ [! use File::Basename; !] [+ eval { $escmode = 0; my $out = ""; chdir(dirname($ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'})); $hi = "wml-2.0.11.tar.gz"; sub ls { my ($pat) = @_; my ($R, $f, @S, @T); @R = (); foreach $f (glob($pat)) { if ('' ne '') { if (! $f) { next; } } @S = stat($f); $f = "$f/" if (-d $f); @T = localtime($S[9]); my @moy = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); push(@R, sprintf("%8d %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %d %s\n", $S[7], $moy[$T[4]], $T[3], $T[2], $T[1], $T[0], 1900+$T[5], $f)); } return @R; } @L = &ls("*.tar.gz"); foreach $l (@L) { next if ($l =~ m|^\s*$|); $l =~ s|(\s+)(\S+[^/])(\s*\n)$|$1."<"."a href=\"$2\">$2".$3|e; $l =~ s|(\s+)(\S+/)(\s*\n)$|$1."<"."a href=\"$2\">$2".$3|e; $l =~ s|^(.*$hi.*)$|$1 [LATEST]|; $l =~ s|>($hi)<|>$1<|; $out .= $l; } $out; } +]
You can alternatively download distribution copies from our mirror