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Re: html2wml
- From: Fritz Zaucker <nospam@thanx>
- Date: 27 Jul 1999 08:50:20 +0200
Jan Ulrich Hasecke <juh@pironet.de> writes:
Hi Jan,
the following Perl-Script removes the <head>-area. As I don't know the
syntax of the description and keywords tags I didn't implement that
part of your request. But this should give you another motivation for
learning Perl ... ;-)
---- cut below this line ----
#! /usr/bin/env perl
undef $/; # undef line separator (one read gets the whole file)
$_ = <>; # read file specified on command line or from stdin
s|<head>.*</head>||sig; # remove all <head>-areas (case insensitive)
print; # print out what's left
exit 0; # done
---- cut above this line ----
The #!-line should work on most Unix systems. Alternatively, you can
specify the path to your perl interpreter. I don't know how to do this
on non-Unix systems.
> Hello,
> a very tedious work is the reorganization of old sites into
> a wml-generated.
> Is there a skript which converts html-files into wml-files? It
> should cut away all inside the <head>-area leaving the body
> untouched and should convert the <keywords> and <description> tags
> either into a <keywords "foo, bar"> - construction,
> or directly into an info-tag.
> Ciao!
> juh
> --
> juh's Sudelbuch
> Literatur und Satire per E-Mail
> http://www.sudelbuch.de
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