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defining tags

Itīs me again...

the problem with the multiple includeof files was a 
#include "" instead #include ''.

In the small news-files I want a simple tag similar to that:

<news 19.01.2000 www.dunbar.com "Python Doc Browser">

This is easy with the documentation:

<define-tag news>
<tr><td bgcolor="#00FFFF" width="168">
%0:&nbsp; <a href="http://%1/">%2</a>

This renders a new cell into the news-table.

This works but is not very self explaining, so I tried this:

<news date="19.01.2000" link="www.dunbar.com" text="Python Doc Browser">

As I understand the documentation I came up with this:

<define-tag news2 date link text>
<tr><td bgcolor="#00FFFF" width="168">
<get-var date>:&nbsp; <a href="http://<get-var link>/"><get-var text></a>

which doesnīt works quite as expected, a <get-var date> expands to
date="19.01.2000" and not only "19.01.2000". So is it possible to
define tags like the second?


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