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multi site problem

a real dir tree for the example

|-- .wmkrc
|-- update_site_dirs   #should copy common files to sites
|-- mknewsite          #makes new single level site
|-- multi_site         #common stuff between sites
|   |-- .wmkrc
|   |-- content
|   |   |-- .wmlrc
|   |   |-- calc.wml
|   |   |-- index.wml
|   |   `-- location.wml
|   |-- include
|   |   |-- attribute_tags.inc
|   |   |-- calc_tags.inc
|   |   |-- footer.inc
|   |   |-- header.inc
|   |   |-- leftNavMenu.inc
|   |   |-- template.inc
|   |   `-- template_with_header_and_menu.inc
|   |-- scripts
|   |   |-- common_scripts.js
|   |   `-- devel_scripts.js
|   `-- style
|       `-- master.css
|-- odenton   #single level site
|   |-- .wmlrc
|   |-- calc.html
|   |-- calc.wml
|   |-- cgi-bin
|   |-- contact.html
|   |-- contact.wml
|   |-- faq.html
|   |-- faq.wml
|   |-- features.html
|   |-- features.wml
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- index.wml
|   |-- location.html
|   |-- location.wml
|   |-- pics
|   |   |-- lot of pics
|   |-- scripts
|   |   |-- common_scripts.js
|   |   `-- devel_scripts.js
|   |-- site_common.inc
|   |-- staff.html
|   |-- staff.wml
|   `-- style
|       `-- master.css
|-- sentry            #multilevel site
|   |-- churchland
|   |   |-- calc.wml
|   |   |-- index.wml
|   |   `-- location.wml
|   |-- newport-news
|   |   |-- calc.wml
|   |   |-- index.wml
|   |   `-- location.wml
|   |-- style
|   |   `-- master.css
|   |-- white-stone
|   |   |-- calc.wml
|   |   |-- index.wml
|   |   `-- location.wml
|   `-- williamsburg
|       |-- calc.wml
|       |-- index.wml
|       `-- location.wml

Problem: I need all pages to refer to the master.css in their tree.

In the all site, master.css is in <base>/style/master.css .
Right now the template that is included in all the .wml files looks 
like the following.
    <info style="meta"
    <link rel=stylesheet href="style/master.css" type="text/css"> 
    <title>{#PRETITLE#} {#SITEFULLNAME#} {#POSTTITLE#}</title>

The line with <link> is the important one.  How do I make all the files 
refer to the master.css without forcing them to be in the root 
directory of a site?
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