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Re: how to apply patch-SNAP to wml-1.6.8?

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Viorel ANGHEL wrote:

> After a long pause, i'm again interested in wml. I've downloaded
> the stable version, compiled, everithing went ok.

Welcome Viorel

> Now, for the patch, should i run that shell script in the
> directory created by wml...tar.gz after tar-gunzip? I suppose
> yes. After or before configure? 


> For short, is this procedure ok:
> get clean source -> configure -> make -> make test -> make clean
> -> run patch_script in the same directory as configure -> make
> -> make install

No, you should replace ``make clean'' by ``make distclean'' and
rerun configure.
  get clean source -> unpack -> cd wml-1.6.8 -> run patch_script ->
  configure -> make -> make test -> make install


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