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attribute urlopts in navbar doesn't seem to work


I would like to use the urlopts feature as follows:
<navbar:button url="index.html" id=index urlopts="title=titletest"
hint="MobiliX Start Page" txt="MobiliX">
but I can't get it to work. The title tag doesn't occur in the 
rendered HTML code. I have tried to quote it (
urlopts="title=\"titletest\"" ),
but this doesn't help. Do you have any recommendations?
I have dared to include the complete navbar include file below.


<navbar:define name=navbar_li_site imgbase="img/" urlbase="$(ROOT)"
txtcol_normal="#000000" txtcol_select="#ffffff">


<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" summary="site
navigation" bgcolor="#cccccc">
<tr valign="top">


<navbar:prolog>       <td                  ></navbar:prolog>
<navbar:prolog type=S><td bgcolor="#cc3333"></navbar:prolog>

<navbar:button url="index.html" id=index urlopts="title=titletest"
hint="MobiliX Start Page" txt="MobiliX">
<navbar:button url="howtos.html" id=howtos urlopts="title=titletest"
hint="Linux-Mobile-Guide, InfraRed-HOWTO, ..." txt="HOWTOs">
<navbar:button url="mylaptops.html" id=mylaptops
urlopts="title=titletest" hint="Linux Laptop Descriptions"
<navbar:button url="pda_linux.html" id=pda_linux
urlopts="title=titletest" hint="Linux PDA Descriptions, Accessories,
..." txt="PDAs">
<navbar:button url="phones_linux.html" id=phones_linux
urlopts="title=titletest" hint="Linux Connections to (Cell) Phones, SMS
Tools, Telephony Server, ...." txt="Cell Phones">
<navbar:button url="hardware.html" id=hardware urlopts="title=titletest"
hint="PCMCIA Cards, InfraRed Devices, Hard Disks, Internal Modems,
Accessories, ... for Laptops and PDAs" txt="Hardware">
<navbar:button url="software.html" id=software urlopts="title=titletest"
hint="Linux Software for Mobile Users (Kernel, ...)" txt="Software">
<navbar:button url="misc.html" id=misc urlopts="title=titletest"
hint="Stolen Laptop Databases, Debian-Laptop-Proposal, ..." txt="Misc">
<navbar:button url="mobile_news.html" id=mobile_news
urlopts="title=titletest" hint="News for Mobile Users" txt="News">
<navbar:button url="mobilix_ml.html" id=mobilix_ml
urlopts="title=titletest" hint="`linux-laptop@mobilix.org` Mailing List,
(NewsLetter)" txt="Mailing Lists">
<navbar:button url="book_linux.html" id=book_linux
urlopts="title=titletest" hint="A Fine Selection of Linux Books."
<navbar:button url="mobilix_search.html" id=mobilix_search
urlopts="title=titletest" hint="Search Engine, A-Z Index, Sitemap."

<navbar:epilog type=S></td><td>&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;</td></navbar:epilog>
<navbar:epilog pos=12></td></navbar:epilog>





<navbar:render name=$(name) select=$(select) txtonly>

|=| Werner Heuser = Keplerstr. 11A = D-10589 Berlin = Germany
|=| <wehe@mobilix.org>         T. +49-30-3495386
|=| http://MobiliX.org         Linux-Mobile-Guide
|=| http://Xtops.DE            Laptops und PDAs mit Linux
|*| This is no time for phony rhetoric -- Lou Reed
Website META Language (WML)                www.engelschall.com/sw/wml/
Official Support Mailing List                   sw-wml@engelschall.com
Automated List Manager                       majordomo@engelschall.com