WML Mailing List Archives: Thread Index
There are currently 2602 messages in archives, sorted in
threaded chronological order. Last updated on Thu May 09 00:13:38 GMT 2002.
< Older Messages | Newer Messages >
- Why does <set-var %body> not work?,
Axel Beckert
- I am back ;),
Denis Barbier
- XHTML problem in htmlfixup,
Pauline Middelink
- feature patch,
Tobias Oetiker
- Using information in other documents,
Anders Dinsen
- std/href.wml space after links,
- Is there a syntax-file for vim?,
Andrea Valente
- wml & jsp,
- gFont, ttfont alternatives with good anti-aliasing (Gimp anyone)?,
Stephan Petersen
- [BUG REPORT] WML HML Documentation, NT,
- [wml] New release (unstable),
Denis Barbier
- Perl parsing error,
Christian Weerts
- prob with language-tags when opening a file with EPerl,
Thomas R. Koll
- patch for wml::std::toc,
Thomas R. Koll
- problem: attributes being used as body,
jeff covey
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